Monday, 4 November 2013


Varicose Veins are swollen blood vessels on our legs that can hurt and look ugly too. Varicose Veins involves dilation of the blood vessels, which become knotted and painful.The veins which transports blood to our heart become weak and cause blood to collect and stop flowing.The veins become lumpy and are very common during pregnancy. People who stand for long time on their feet are more prone to face this problem.

Here we list some effective tips to get rid  of Varicose veins

* Run cold and hot water over your legs, this helps to improve the blood circulation by expanding and contracting blood vessels.

* Wearing Elastic stocking is effective and it helps to support the varicose veins.

* Eat Horse chestnut twice a day

* Include more high-fiber foods in your diet like apples, whole grains, cereals and pears, this helps the bowels work and you do not get constipation and reduces the pressure on your legs.

* Take Gout kola extract thrice a day

* Add lemon peel to your tea or to your citrus drinks as it contains rutin, a flavonoid that prevents the leakage from small blood vessels.

* Apply Apple Cider Vinegar on the veins daily, which results shrinking of the swollen veins.

* Consume two teaspoons of black strap molasses daily.


  • Do not stand on your feet for long hours
  • Do not cross your legs while sitting
  • Gently Massage your legs
  • Rather than sitting, walk around whenever possible

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