Sunday, 10 November 2013

5 Folk Remedies for Acne

Age old remedies for ailments and skin problems are some of the best treatments at times. They have been passed down from generation to generation for a reason - they work. Remedies for acne can be found among the annals of folk medicine. Although these five folk remedies for acne date back centuries, they really work and have been proven again and again.

1) Aloe

Long valued for its skin healing properties, aloe vera is the soothing gel of a succulent plant. While aloe may not prevent acne from occurring in the first place, it does ease swelling, redness and inflammation and helps heal existing blemishes. Simply rub the gel on the affected area twice a day.

2) Burdock

Burdock tea is one of the oldest folk remedies for acne. Burdock brings blood circulation to the surface of the skin. Increased circulation may help fight the infection and inflammation of acne. Burdock is also one of the folk remedies for acne that contains starch. Starch helps absorb excess oil from the skin. Add one teaspoon of ground, dried burdock root to one cup of boiling water. Allow the mixture to steep for twenty - thirty minutes and then strain. Drink three to four cups daily for one of the best folk remedies for acne.

3) Mung Beans

A Chinese folk remedy for acne is a paste of mung beans applied to the skin. The mung beans are astringent so they draw the excess oil from the skin that causes acne in the first place. This makes mung beans another of the most effective folk remedies for acne. Grind dry mung beans to a powder in a coffee grinder, blender, or food processor. Then mix with warm water to form a paste. Apply to the skin and leave for thirty minutes to several hours. Wipe from the skin using warm water and a soft cloth.

4) Red Clover

Red clover poultices are a popular folk remedy for acne and are still used throughout the United States to treat skin conditions. Red clover thins the oil secretions, making excess oil easier to remove. Cover fresh red clover flowers with water and heat until they are tender. Strain the water from the flowers and press them into a thick mass. Sprinkle the mass with white flour to hold the poultice together. Place the red clover poultice directly on the skin and leave for thirty minutes. The poultice can be used several times per day as one of the mildest folk remedies for acne.

5) Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is an old Gypsy folk remedy for acne. It can be taken as a tea and/or applied directly to the affected area. The astringent properties of stinging nettle help reduce excess oil, making it one of the most effective folk remedies for acne. Add one ounce of dried nettle to one quart of boiling water. Allow the mixture to steep overnight. Strain and drink two to three cups per day. Additonally, you can reheat the tea and apply the warm liquid directly to the skin once or twice per day. This is one of the best folk remedies for acne when the two methods are used together.

One thing that you’ll notice when you try folk remedies is that they sometimes take longer to obtain results. You will need to be patient. However, if you continue using the remedy faithfully, you will see the results you're looking for.

To find out about a clinically proven, step-by-step system for permanently curing your acne and achieving lasting clear skin faster than you ever thought possible

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